The newly appointed Director of Sports and Wellness Directorate Pays Courtesy Call on the Provost of College of Education

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Dr. Austin Luguterah, the newly appointed Director of the Sports and Wellness Directorate at the University of Ghana, recently paid a courtesy call on Professor Samuel Nii Ardey Codjoe, Provost of the College of Education. This visit marked the beginning of Dr. Luguterah’s familiarisation visits to the various Colleges, Centres, and Units within the University. As faculty from the College of Education, Dr. Luguterah chose the College of Education as his starting point.

Following an exchange of self-introductions between both teams, Professor Codjoe congratulated Dr. Luguterah on his new appointment. He extended a warm welcome to him and his team, expressing the College’s gratitude for beginning his familiarisation visits with the College of Education.

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Dr. Luguterah explained his intention to share his strategic vision with the University community, outlining how the Directorate plans to engage the Colleges. He remarked, "A Strategic Partners Team has been constituted, which includes selected faculty members from the University of Ghana Business School (UGBS). Their role is important in the conceptualisation and design of programmes, with a special focus on the economic and marketing aspects." He further stated that this team would work together with a technical committee from the Sports Directorate, aiming to collaborate on the strategic planning and execution of various initiatives.

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Speaking about one of his key initiatives, Dr. Luguterah announced plans to implement the "University Community Games," designed to attract sponsors. The games will feature teams formed by each College, including a team from alumni, teams from various external unions that utilise the University’s facilities, and the East Legon Executives team. The league is set to run for a year, with evening games held at the Directorate’s rugby pitch, aiming to draw business executives and companies, thereby promoting sponsorship opportunities for the University. Dr. Luguterah highlighted the potential for sports to create synergy and attract more sponsorships, ultimately benefiting the University.

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Professor Codjoe commended Dr. Luguterah’s vision and expressed the College’s readiness to support all the programmes he intends to implement. He encouraged the Director to continue to maintain a strong relationship with the Department of Physical Education and Sport Studies (PESS), emphasising the importance of ensuring the Department is given ample opportunities. Professor Codjoe stressed the need to involve the Department of PESS in all sporting activities of the Directorate. In response, Dr. Luguterah noted that the Department was already actively involved in the Directorate’s activities. The Provost further urged Dr. Luguterah to prioritise the College’s interests, particularly by working to help elevate the Department of PESS in to a leading sports academy.

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Professor Olivia Kwapong, Dean of the School of Continuing and Distance Education, encouraged Dr. Luguterah to synergise the Sports and Wellness Directorate with the College of Education, aiming to position it as a leading sports academy both locally and globally. She emphasised the importance of practical sports education and collaboration with industry partners to harness students’ potential and promote the significance of sports among Ghanaians.

Professor Godfred Mathew Yaw Owusu from the University of Ghana Business School (UGBS) and a member of the Strategic Partners Team, highlighted the potential for leveraging business executives’ desire for association and recognition. He commended the support Dr. Luguterah received from the Provost and the entire College.

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Faculty members from the Department of Physical Education and Sport Studies (PESS) extended their congratulations to Dr. Luguterah, assuring him of their continued co-operation and wishing him success during his tenure of office.

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The Provost mentioned the successful organization of the maiden UGCOE Provost’s Tournament, which has become a has come to stay. Adding that he would be constituting a committee with representatives from affiliated colleges to plan future events, with a plan to rotate the host college after solidifying it at the University of Ghana.

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In conclusion, Professor Codjoe congratulated Dr. Luguterah on his new role and assured him of the College’s unwavering support. He urged the Sports Directorate staff to support the incoming Director and encouraged the faculty and staff of PSS to stand by him.

Other officials in attendance included Mr. Joseph Oduro Nkansah, College Registrar; Dr. Gabriel Korankye from UGBS, Mr. Augustine Amissare, Senior Assistant Registrar from the Sports and Wellness Directorate; Ms. Agnes Baidoo, Assistant Registrar; and also present from the Department of PESS were Dr. Suleman Mensah, Dr. Vida K. Nyawornoto, Dr. Samuel Kofi Donkor, and Dr. Emmanuel Assaase.